Dec 15, 2020
Unsung hero: Chris Cohen
There are certain people in life who make the world better. They make you smile and fill you with a unique and comforting warmth every time you think of…
There are certain people in life who make the world better. They make you smile and fill you with a unique and comforting warmth every time you think of…
The libraries will host virtual lectures this spring by Tressie McMillan Cottom and Robert Macfarlane.
Registration is open for A Conversation on Preparing to Teach in Spring 2021 on Jan. 11 and Fostering Student Connectivity During the Pandemic on Jan…
Faculty are invited to submit proposals for new and previously offered off-campus and international programs for winter interim 2022 and summer 2022.
This January, play Lafayette at Large, a combination bingo game and scavenger hunt for common urban design and architectural elements.
HR has informaiton on delayed openings, early closings, essential" employees, and related issues of compensation.
Dear Students: Congratulations to each of you on your success in making it through the fall semester. I know how difficult it was to maintain focus and…
I want to thank you for your outstanding work throughout this time and provide more details about our plans for the spring semester.
The December edition includes scholarships and fellowships updates and deadlines; and a terrific Q&A with class deans Tim Cox and Brandon Morris.
Prof. Melissa Gordon created a trailer of her course Transport Phenomena using the free video editor Open Shot and Kaltura Capture.