Sep 10, 2020
CITLS update
Meet Manuela Borzone, CITLS assistant director, and learn about a host of events focused on mental health and other topics.
Meet Manuela Borzone, CITLS assistant director, and learn about a host of events focused on mental health and other topics.
Find all of your fall favorites at the Easton Farmers' Market on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in Scott Park, rain or shine.
Fifty years ago, on this very date, Lafayette welcomed its first female students into the classroom.
A message from Vice President Diorio reminding students of their obligations to the on-campus community.
Snap a pic that shows you wearing a mask in your current location (get outside, get creative, go somewhere cool, if safe and possible!).
Student Government has established a virtual improvements and suggestions platform to identify student needs.
A workshop on Omeka S, a web-publishing platform geared toward multimedia digital exhibits, will take place on Friday at noon.
Faculty and staff are invited to register for a virtual media-training session from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 29.
On Wednesday, Sept. 16, and Thursday, Sept. 17, from 3-5 p.m., ITS will offer training tailored to staff, but anyone is welcome to attend.
The HR website has information on caregiving, posting personal job opportunities for students, and professional education and tutoring support.