Oct 14, 2022
Applications now open for new student organizations
Those interested in creating a new student organization should complete this application by Mon., Oct. 31. Questions, contact Vanessa Pearson, Director…
Those interested in creating a new student organization should complete this application by Mon., Oct. 31. Questions, contact Vanessa Pearson, Director…
Student Government will be hosting an open General Body Meeting at 7 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 13 in Kirby 104. Members will be discussing the Menstrual Equity…
The Fall Interfaith Book Club will begin meeting the week of Oct. 24. This semester’s book is “On Repentance and Repair” by Danya Ruttenberg. In this selection…
Thank you to all who told us what you think of the Library’s space and what improvements you would like to see in Skillman Library. We heard you and…
Student Government has one to two seats available on the Public Relations & Marketing Committee. Though not required, it is preferred that applicants are…
Nationally celebrated Campus Sustainability Month is this October. If you, your department, club, or organization is planning an event, hosting a speaker…
New to campus? Lafayette staff members and students share their favorite tips for newcomers. Meet the Counseling Center staff and learn personal strategies…
Is your wallet still feeling the sting from buying your textbooks? Do you wish there was more support for students who need affordable course materials?…
Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join the monthly Sustainability Community meetings held at noon on the first Tuesday of each month in the Marlo…
Students wishing to explore a possible Dean’s Excuse for fall religious observances must contact the College Chaplain or a Class Dean no later than noon…