Nov 4, 2021
Common Course of Study open meeting
After a brief overview, the two working groups will share where their efforts stand and look forward to feedback, questions, and conversations.
After a brief overview, the two working groups will share where their efforts stand and look forward to feedback, questions, and conversations.
Spring offerings under the new JS rubric approved by the faculty include The Holocaust, Jewish-Christian Relations, and Black, Jewish, Black & Jewish.
Applications are due Nov. 22 for the January interim and Jan. 17 for the spring semester. See the deadlines for all ARC applications.
Prof. Jessica Carr participated in a conversation on the importance of Israel in Jewish Americans' lives, hosted by the Brandeis University Schusterman…
Learn from a Zoom panel discussion of faculty and students who have used the web-publishing platform Scalar to create dynamic classroom assignments and…
Hear how these can provide opportunities for colleges to align research and learning goals with the needs of the communities in which they're located.
The Lafayette student voting rate for the 2020 election hit 82.9%, well above the 66% voting rate average at campuses across the country.
By Dec. 1, faculty and lab managers should submit version update requests for academic lab applications as well as inquire about deploying new ones.
Come to the Clay Ketcham Room for a Thanksgiving lunch on Nov. 18 at 11:30-12:30 and 12:45-1:45.
Learn about the benefits of participating in the Inclusive Instructors Academy and apply for the spring cohort by Dec. 10.