Oct 25, 2021
Holiday Helpers kickoff
Come to Lower Farinon for hot chocolate and cookies, and take a tag to support Easton Area Neighborhood Center and St. Luke's Nurse Family Partnership…
Come to Lower Farinon for hot chocolate and cookies, and take a tag to support Easton Area Neighborhood Center and St. Luke's Nurse Family Partnership…
This can be accomplished using Papercut Web Print with the Reference Studio North and South printers in Skillman Library.
Enjoy a good time and treats at the President’s House on Sunday. Costumes are preferred but not required.
All are welcome to visit the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center Monday from noon-1 p.m. to celebrate and recognize the ace and aro communities.
Office phone and voicemail service will be down 6-7:30 p.m. Monday as ITS continues to work with its vendors to resolve issues.
A message about the upcoming administration of fall 2021 course evaluations.
Trick or treat at businesses, campfire night, the annual Thriller Dance, two Halloween parades, a classic cars cruise night, a new African restaurant,…
Come to the Quad at 4:15 p.m. Friday to sample pizza from 12 Easton pizzerias. Cost is $8, benefitting Second Harvest Food Bank.
Buy a bag that is an “air-entrained” mix for your outdoor projects/repairs, advises Prof. Dave Mante.
Emilio Rojas will discuss the last 10 years of his artistic practice working across media. A reception for his exhibition will follow.