Sep 30, 2021
Campus phone and voicemail maintenance
Voicemail will be unavailable 6-10 p.m. Monday, and your campus phone and voicemail will be unavailable 6-6:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Voicemail will be unavailable 6-10 p.m. Monday, and your campus phone and voicemail will be unavailable 6-6:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The working group is looking for faculty members interested in shaping important aspects of the new CCS
The market will move to the Northampton County Courthouse parking lot again on Saturday to accommodate Garlic Fest.
Student groups and academic classes interested in sponsoring an issue on current events or research are encouraged to complete the request form.
Brooke Kohler '13 will lead the session on Monday at 4:30 p.m. All levels welcome. Mats and rides to LaFarm are available.
The live broadcast starts at 3:30 and the ceremony on the Quad at 4. Light refreshments will be served at an informal reception at 5:30.
The 2021 report includes statistics over the previous three years.
An online directory of first-generation faculty and administrators has been created to enhance the visibility of that community on campus.
Marquis will be closed 2:30 p.m. Thursday until Monday breakfast. The Clay Ketcham Room will be closed Friday and reopen for lunch on Monday.
If you're using a smart classroom, turn off the system before leaving by pressing the red “System Off” button on the touch panel.