Oct 25, 2021
Confidential advocates
Meet the confidential advocates in Farinon. Stop by for giveaways and self-care items, and write letters of support to survivors in our community.
Meet the confidential advocates in Farinon. Stop by for giveaways and self-care items, and write letters of support to survivors in our community.
Prof. Nandini Sikand will teach FAMS 273: Empire Strikes Back in the fall 2022 semester. Attend an information meeting Wednesday.
Students are needed to engage prospective Leopards in interactive virtual mini master classes for Our Beloved Community on Nov. 4.
Come to Lower Farinon for hot chocolate and cookies, and take a tag to support Easton Area Neighborhood Center and St. Luke's Nurse Family Partnership…
This group helps students of all backgrounds receive competitive job offers. The hope is to increase BIPOC representation in the financial services industry…
The deadline is Sunday to apply for spring openings for sports officials, facility monitors, fitness assistants, climbing wall assistants, and lifeguards…
Enjoy a good time and treats at the President’s House on Sunday. Costumes are preferred but not required.
Jas Verem '00 of International Rescue Committee will speak about his experience as a refugee and the work he does to help refugees.
All are welcome to visit the Gender & Sexuality Resource Center Monday from noon-1 p.m. to celebrate and recognize the ace and aro communities.
This event featuring Christophe Galopin P'22Â is primarily for students majoring in the hard sciences, but all are welcome.