Nov 30, 2021
Finals Fairy
The #LAFairy will be hiding gifts for students around Skillman Library Dec. 6-10. Follow the libraries on Instagram and Twitter for clues.
The #LAFairy will be hiding gifts for students around Skillman Library Dec. 6-10. Follow the libraries on Instagram and Twitter for clues.
While the Markle Parking Deck is under construction, a temporary parking lot will be created at the 100 block of McCartney Street.
Students designed three creative Lafayette-inspired flavors. Students, now it's your turn to taste and vote. The winning flavor will be available next…
Learn about upcoming events and opportunities and meet new staff members and student supervisors. Subscribe to receive future installments.
A few minor, isolated areas of mold growth were identified in recent inspections, but the majority have shown no signs of mold growth.
Listen to the rat-a-tat-tat of jazz compositions and arrangements including an original work by Zach Freiheiter ’23.
When you get a new personal device such as a mobile phone or tablet, it's important to register it with the DUO app.
In working with the architect redesigning the former College Store as a student space, Student Government wants to hear from students.
Dining Services will have modified hours leading up to and during the Thanksgiving break.
Olympic benches, cabanas, TV mounts, Wii Sports, electronics, and more. The closed auction begins Nov. 29 and ends 3 p.m. Dec. 6.