Jan 23, 2024
Drop-in hours available for writing feedback
The College Writing Program is pleased to offer drop-in hours starting Sun., Jan. 28, for students working on any writing in progress. Drop-in hours are…
The College Writing Program is pleased to offer drop-in hours starting Sun., Jan. 28, for students working on any writing in progress. Drop-in hours are…
Hello Leopards! Students, please take a short survey to share your thoughts on attending Lafayette basketball games. To sweeten the deal, there are TWO…
As we begin a new year and new semester, it is important to remember that faculty and staff play a vital role in supporting the health and well-being of…
The Office of Residence Life is looking to hire student staff members for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Office of Residence Life will be holding an…
For a limited time, the College Store will be selling used books at a highly discounted rate ($5-10 each). This is a great opportunity to thrift for your…
Do you ever have questions about using services or equipment managed by ITS? The ITS Help website, Help Desk, and Tech Lounge provide support for all ITS…
Join like-minded people who are interested in enhancing their project management skills and knowledge at noon Jan. 24 in Skillman 003. Project managers…
A common issue submitted to the Help Desk at the start of the semester is students stating they are unable to see their courses in Moodle. This is generally…
When students don’t see their courses listed on their Moodle Dashboard, it generally is due to one or more of the following: The professor hasn’t made…
The orientation program is looking for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to help welcome new students. Please spread the word and consider nominating…