Oct 18, 2022
WITS talk – What I Did This Summer
Nam Vu ’25 and Ryan Wedeking ’23 will talk about their summer work in math modeling and teaching calculus at 12:15 p.m. Fri., Oct. 21 in Pardee 217. All…
Nam Vu ’25 and Ryan Wedeking ’23 will talk about their summer work in math modeling and teaching calculus at 12:15 p.m. Fri., Oct. 21 in Pardee 217. All…
A section of College Avenue will be restricted to one lane traffic from Mon. Oct. 24, through Fri. Oct. 28 between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily…
Proposals to use the recently announced, four-year $500,000 arts and technology grant from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation can now be submitted. Learn…
Join the Data Associates Oct. 24 for a peer-lead workshop on data visualization using R, the open programming language for statistical computing and graphics…
As part of the Easton Book Festival, Lafayette will host a discussion on “Diverse Voices: A Special Event in Conversation with Authors Emerald Garner,…
Lafayette’s first SKY Happiness Retreat will be taking place on Oct. 28-30! SKY Happiness Retreat is a high-impact 16-hour total well-being training offered…
Many people from Interfaith Council, the Happiness Project, and Lafayette in general contributed to this Songs That Make You Happy playlist. Enjoy!
Claire McRee, associate curator at the Allentown Art Museum, will present a talk exploring the relationship between fashion and women’s changing social…
During an Oct. 26 faculty session the Counseling Center and the Office of Advising and Co-Curricular Programs will join CITLS to discuss scenarios around…
Refugee Action Invites Humanity Crew’s Roei Shaul Hillel to campus via Zoom as our Fall 2022 Keynote Speaker. Roei Shaul Hillel will present on his experience…