Jan 13, 2023
Dining Services has openings for part-time jobs
Pards, are you interested in a part-time job? Dining Services offers flexible schedules to fit your needs and have a variety of open positions. Plus, no…
Pards, are you interested in a part-time job? Dining Services offers flexible schedules to fit your needs and have a variety of open positions. Plus, no…
Dining Services has announced new signage will be posted throughout dining facilities as a result of new requirements for U.S. manufacturers to label sesame…
The Office of Sustainability is hiring for 12-month Sustainability Impact Fellowship positions beginning this spring. Fellows catalyze institutional change…
Reminder that applications are open for spring, summer, and 12-month student internship and fellowship positions with the Office of Sustainability! Open…
If you need a study break, check out these complimentary interviews with the first professor to teach Jewish Studies on campus, Bob Weiner (part 1), and…
The Office of Sustainability and LaFarm are hiring for spring, summer, and 12-month paid positions. Opportunities are available in metrics, communications…
Before you move out, remember to donate any new or gently used items or non-perishable foods you no longer need to Green Move Out. Green bins are located…
Get cash for your books at the official College Store textbook buyback. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 15-17 at the College Store, 211 McCartney St. Please have…
As you move out this winter, donate any new or gently used items or non-perishable foods you no longer need to Green Move Out. Green bins are located in…
Regifting is better than returning. Many times returned gifts often end up in landfills then back in the stores.