Feb 28, 2023
Google quick hits: Mini trainings & office hours
Increase your work productivity and learn what you can do with Google Workspace! Faculty and staff are welcome to attend the virtual quick-hit training…
Increase your work productivity and learn what you can do with Google Workspace! Faculty and staff are welcome to attend the virtual quick-hit training…
The Teaching and Learning Committee will be holding three meetings this week. Discussion will center on three of the items explored in the recent report…
Friday Club returns Fri., March 3, to the Fleck Wing of Marquis Hall, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. All faculty and staff members are invited. Light food and…
This April 22 retreat aims to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM. Join the Hanson Center for interactive…
The Lafayette Arts’ Arts and Technology Grant continues to accept proposals for internal grants that support Visiting Artists and Scholars, Course Development…
Lafayette College is proud to announce two new faculty awards that reflect the College’s commitment to academic advising and mentoring students. These…
The new cohort of Posse Scholars (DC 18 and NY 22) will join our College community this fall. The search for their mentor continues! A mentor is a tenured…
The Hanson Center seeks a faculty member to serve as the 2023 Faculty Director of the Summer Program for Academic Leadership in STEM (SPAL). SPAL is a…
In partnership with the Library, CITLS will host Dr. Jenae Cohn, author of Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading, for two virtual sessions -one…
The new cohort of Posse Scholars (DC 18 and NY 22) will join our College community this fall. The search for their mentor begins now! A mentor is a tenured…