Mar 27, 2021
The Cherry Orchard
Prof. Suzanne Westfall, head of the Theater Department., offers a pre-show talk before the curtain rises on Anton Chekhov’s final play.
Prof. Suzanne Westfall, head of the Theater Department., offers a pre-show talk before the curtain rises on Anton Chekhov’s final play.
Take an immersive journey through the life, works, and struggles of the Italian master.
The colloquium will examine the longstanding divide between early modern critical race studies and early modern queer studies.
elin o'Hara slavick will share the conceptual, political, and interdisciplinary projects she has been working on for over 40 years on March 24.
College's Theater's performances of Monkey, adapted from the folk novel by Wu Ch’eng-en, will be live-streamed on March 11, 12, and 13.
It will feature acclaimed author Edgar Kunz, Shirley Liu ’23, winner of the Jean Corrie Poetry Prize; and Fatimata Cham ’23, runner up.
Prof. Joseph Stramondo will present his paper, “Vulnerability to COVID-19 and the Moral Perniciousness of Institutional Long-Term Care."
The free series features outstanding productions from London’s National Theatre recorded before a live audience and streamed in HD.
The Music Department is offering students virtual private lessons for most instruments and voice. Also available are seven ensembles.
Prof. Eric Ziolkowski and colleagues have earned a Choice award for Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online. Read a Q&A with Eric.