Oct 14, 2022
Friday LaFarm stand to feature pac choi and winter squash
Come to shop at LaFarm’s new location in front of Farinon from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday. The LaFarm Mixed Produce Basket this week includes: pac choi,…
Come to shop at LaFarm’s new location in front of Farinon from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday. The LaFarm Mixed Produce Basket this week includes: pac choi,…
Students can pre-register now for the Homecoming Tailgate. The event is free to those who pre-register, $10 at the door. Everyone will receive a $10 food…
Join Alumni and Students at the Homecoming Tailgate! Enjoy pregame camaraderie with members of the Lafayette community at the Homecoming Tailgate prior…
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors: NOW is the time to begin preparing your application for the January 2023 Externship Program. The deadline to apply is…
Don’t forget to sign up and come out for TNL Lite – Glow Zumba at 8 p.m. tonight! Held in Kamine Gym, this event is sure to be a blast under the blacklights…
Please join the Landis Center for Community Engagement 4-6 p.m. Tues., Nov. 1 in Farinon Atrium for our annual Holiday Helpers Kick-Off event. Choose a…
Students and staff who went to Madagascar this summer as part of Lafayette Initiative for Malagasy Education (LIME) will share their experience during…
Can you calculate angular momentum at a glance? Do you know the coefficient of friction between wood and cotton? Are you capable of tossing a bean bag…
Student Government will be hosting an open General Body Meeting at 7 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 13 in Kirby 104. Members will be discussing the Menstrual Equity…
The Lafayette College Women+ in Physics Club will be leading science demonstrations at the Easton Farmers Market Sat., Oct. 15 related to light and magnets…