Nov 2, 2023
THRIVING at Lafayette: Practice gratitude
Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging the good in our lives, and recognizing that sources of goodness lie, at least partially, outside of ourselves…
Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging the good in our lives, and recognizing that sources of goodness lie, at least partially, outside of ourselves…
Mindfulness is a state of awareness that involves intentionally paying attention to the present moment. It allows us to become a nonjudgmental observer…
By: Hasnat Aslam ’27 October is National Fire Prevention Month. Here are eight helpful tips to aid you in preventing fire hazards on campus: Learn your…
The City of Easton has a new alerts system as of October 2023. Those who register can receive notifications by text message, email, or phone call—and…
Join Dr. Asmita Pendse for a single-session workshop. This is for students who are interested in challenging their perfectionistic tendencies. It is designed…
Lafayette College will partner with Turning Point to provide engaging programming centering the identities of marginalized populations, specifically survivors…
Lafayette College will host a Town Hall/Panel Discussion focused on the College’s Annual Security Report (ASR). The Town Hall will serve as a space to…
Self-compassion is the practice of relating to yourself with kindness, unconditional acceptance, and forgiveness. It is treating yourself with the same…
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, diagnosed in one in five Americans by age 70. If detected early, it is usually cured with a simple procedure…
This three-session workshop is designed for students who experience overwhelming emotions that feel difficult to manage. Participants will learn skills…