Nov 8, 2023
Refugee Action’s fall 2023 keynote event: Sheltering Refugees
Refugee Action is excited to collaborate with Sophia University’s Refugee Support Group for a fall 2023 keynote event. Learn about the refugee situation…
Refugee Action is excited to collaborate with Sophia University’s Refugee Support Group for a fall 2023 keynote event. Learn about the refugee situation…
Come celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights 6-8 p.m. Thurs., Nov. 9, in the Farinon Atrium! Diwali is an important event across multiple religions, such…
The Nov. 14 Judith A. Resnik Memorial Lecture will feature Janet Vertesi, associate professor of sociology at Princeton University. Vertesi will present…
Please share your suggestions for Landis Lecture speakers. Funded by John W. Landis ‘39 and his wife Muriel, the Landis Lecture focuses on international…
A World of Data Speaker Series • In this virtual talk, Victor Galaz from the Stockholm Resilience Center will discuss the intersection of two megatrends…
On Wed., Oct. 18, an inaugural Teaching & Learning Colloquium took place at DeSales University Center for instructors and staff members within the Lehigh…
There is still time to snag an on-campus job for this semester, winter break, or the spring 2024 semester. Please see the links below to view job descriptions…
It’s more than halfway through the semester! The Office of Advising & Co-Curricular Programs has some updates and resources to share for the next few weeks…
Dear students, if you are planning to be on campus over the Thanksgiving break, President Nicole Hurd and her family invite you to enjoy a Thanksgiving…
This fall, students from Prof. Monica Salas Landa’s A&S 325 class, Museum Studies: History, Theory and Debates, collaborated with a team of Lafayette…